sunday morning volunteers

  • Sunday School Helpers in each classroom and nursery
  • Substitute Sunday School Teachers
  • Hall Monitors
  • Parking Lot Greeters

If you are interested in volunteering please contact Dawn Crews

We earned a Safe Gatherings window cling! Thank you to our members and our staff. Windcrest United Methodist Church is an awesome church! Rio Texas Conference

Thank you to everyone who has completed or began the new three-step Trusted Con Confianza Training. Windcrest UMC is committed to providing a safe environment that will nurture and protect all children, youth and vulnerable adults!

There have been a few concerns about entering your social security number on the online registration form. You can call Safe Gatherings and register over the phone and then log on to do the online training.

The number to call is 1-888-241-8258 or you can email them at The step three trainings are listed online and there are many to choose from to include webinars from the comfort of your own home!

Mandatory Training

looking for a way to use your talents to make a difference?

Disciples needed to serve WUMC on all ministry teams. We have a variety of serving opportunities available! 

Below you'll find these opportunities by ministry teams. If any position sounds interesting to you or if you have any questions, please contact the church office 210 654-0404 or email: Thank you.

  • Church Council – The primary administrative Board of the Church. The Council receives reports from all administrative and work areas, and takes action on future visions and needs of the church.


    Finance Advisory Team – Creates a reasonable budget for the church (approved by the Church Council), monitors good stewardship of the annual budget, and is charged with raising the money in order to carry out the ministries of the Church. 


    Trustees Advisory Team– Oversees the physical property of the church, including the parsonage, church bus, and technology needs.


    WUMC Foundation Board– The foundation itself is a permanent endowment fund of the Church. All money given to this fund remains in the fund; the interest earned by the endowment is used to underwrite a variety of ministries of the Church. The Foundation Board Members look for ways to encourage giving to the Foundation, and receive and grant funding requests once a year.


    Staff-Parish Relations Committee - Supports our Pastors and Staff so that they can work effectively in managing the Ministry of our congregation for witness and service.

  • Works to enrich the spiritual and intellectual life of the church, by planning classes, developing programs for adults of all ages. The Donaho Library is maintained by the ADWA. 

  • We do a lot of behind the scenes jobs. We are always in need of new souls who would like to help make a difference. 

    • These are areas of concern: Communion at both services, plus taking communion to our homebound parishioners.
    • Changing the Paraments and Banners in both the Sanctuary and Gathering Place to match the seasons of the liturgical calendar.
    • Flowers for the Sanctuary, both fresh and the artificial arrangements
    • Easter lilies and Poinsettias
    • Pew care (cards, pamphlets, envelopes) before and after services
    • Ushers at both services, special services and funerals

    If you would like to serve on the Altar Guild and help with coordinating any of the above activities, please contact the church office at 210-654-0404. 

  • Offers lots of opportunities from preparing worship packets, to being Director of Vacation Bible School. Teachers are always needed, as is someone to help with Acolytes, and many other small and big chores. For more information contact Dawn Crews at 654-0404 extension 115.


  • The Missions Work Area extends an invitation to anyone interested in being part of this committee, would like to be involved in the ministries we support contact the Church office 210-654-0404.  

  • The Multimedia Ministry supports the many ministries of WUMC by providing Audio/Visual support for all services and events.  Lighting, Sound, Video and Computer presentations are the areas covered.  Sunday services and some special events are recorded and available. 

    Details are available at the sound booth in the Sanctuary on Sundays or through the church office, by request. If you are working with a ministry that needs support for Sunday worship or special events, Please contact the church office at 210.654.0404.

    We welcome anyone that has a calling to work with music, video, sound and/or computers.  If you have talents that you feel could be of service to our ministry, we would love to work with you.  We are always looking for assistants and we are more than willing to train those with interest! 

  • Folks in this work area do many things including provide food for families in crisis and for funerals. They also have a Calling and Caring team along with a Health and Welfare group that helps provide insightful and educational opportunities. 

  • Evangelism – Reaches out to the community inviting people in to our church, “making disciples for Christ.” People are always needed to do everything from meet and greet visitors, to developing materials to represent our church.

    Altar Guild Team – Works with the Worship Planning Team, preparing the Sanctuary for each liturgical season, special Sundays, pew care, changing paraments and decorations.


    Senior Adult Ministries – We have a very active ministry for the 55+ community which includes Games Day twice monthly, a monthly potluck luncheon with a guest speaker, and many other support groups and activities.


  • The ministry of men in the local church is defined as a core group of men, partnering with their pastor, to invite and initiate spiritual growth opportunities for all men of the church. Everyone has different gifts, graces and areas of interest.  For more information contact Chester Varner, 653-7914.

  • A member of United Methodist Women is any woman who commits herself to the Purpose set before us, and who chooses to participate in meetings, prayer, giving, study, action or service. We are an inclusive organization and welcome all women who want to become members. Our local unit membership currently includes women who range in age from their 20’s to 80 and above.   For more information contact Lorraine Flakes


  • Are very active all year and people interested in Youth can help in most any aspect from preparing snacks to teaching Bible Studies and everything in between. Youth are always exciting and fun to be around.